Victoria Malouf
Dec 18, 2017
Make a whole year resolution instead of a new year resolution
So the end of December is almost here. Which can I say how ridiculously fast this year has gone! Every year seems to be going quicker and...

Victoria Malouf
Dec 3, 2017
Flying solo on holidays
So this year I've travelled twice by myself and one of them was pretty much completely solo in that I was by myself for 2.5 weeks (well...

Victoria Malouf
Nov 21, 2017
When you've had a bit too much fun on holidays
If Holidays aren't for having fun and making memories then what is? BUT as much as they are about enjoying being in a new country and...

Victoria Malouf
Oct 21, 2017
My Top tips to stay on track while travelling
So with the December/ Janurary Christmas holiday period almost upon us I thought I would give my top tips for how to stay on track while...