Intolerance Testing
1. Book a 15 Minute Nutrition Health Check
2. You either come to the clinic or have a phone consultation and which best test for you will be discussed
3. You will then be given a Pathology collection form
4. You go to the pathology Lab (300m around the corner from the clinic) and get a sample taken - (or your nearest Pathology collection centre)
5. The results are emailed to the clinic and you have a follow up appointment to discuss the results and get a treatment plan
Coeliac Gene Test This tests for the presence of Coeliac disease to
help determine if your symptoms are of gluten
intolerance or coeliac disease.
Gliadin Antibodies Together with the coeliac gene test can help
determine if it is gluten Intolerance or coeliac
Food Intolerance testing Tests for intolerances in various foods.
Intolerances can cause many symptoms such as
brain fog, depleted energy levels, anxiety,
abdominal pain, bloating, fluid retention,
headaches, eczema, acne, arthritis.
Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis Provides an overview of the components of
digestion, absorption, intestinal function and
microbial flora as well as identifying pathogenic
bacteria, parasites and yeasts. Poor digestive
function and imbalanced gut flora may play a
crucial role in the underlying cause of a number
of health conditions. Symptoms such as
constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence, bloating,
abdominal discomfort and bad breath are all
indicative of poor gut function
Calprotectin Assesses inflammation in the gastrointestinal
tract. This test helps to discriminate between
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Irritable
Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Helicobacter Pylori Antigen Test Used to detect H.Pylori. A type of bacteria
which can generally be harmless in the majority
of the population. In excess can contribute
to stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.
Intestinal Permeability Method for gastrointestinal mucosal integrity.
Damage to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract
(small and large intestine) is common in people
with conditions such as food sensitivity and food
allergy, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease,
arthritis, coeliac disease and dermatological
conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne.
Insulin Levels Insulin is used to control blood glucose levels in
the body so is useful for determining if there is a
problem with insulin utilisation or production
from the pancreas.
C-reactive protein Used to identify inflammation in the body.
C -reactive protein is made in a liver and is
secreted a few hours after an
inflammatory injury or infection. This test can be
helpful in determining arthritis, Crohn's disease,
ulcerative colitis, lupus, scleroderma, diabetes,
hashimoto's thyroiditis, graves disease, coeliac
disease, MS and Addison's disease.
MTHFR Gene test Test for a mutilation in the MTHFR gene. MTHFR
regulates homocysteine. Having high blood levels
of homocysteine are recognised as a risk factor
for: coronary artery disease, venous thrombosis
& stroke, type 2 diabetes and obesity
Adrenal hormone profile Assess adrenal function via the evaluation of
DHEA levels and cortisol levels throughout the
day to evaluate any stress or changes with these
levels that might be contributing to ill health.
Baseline hormone profile (male/female) Assesses a baseline of the hormones that
are vital to normal reproductive health. Baseline
measurement of hormone levels in saliva provides
an accurate assessment of menstrual irregularities
for younger women, climacteric changes for the
peri and postmenopausal women and
andropause changes in men.
Melatonin Melatonin is a potent antioxidant, immune
stimulant and potential inhibitor of cancer. The
levels of melatonin in the body tend to decrease
with age and low levels may result in sleep
disturbances such as insomnia, poor immune
function, depression and other mood disorders
Thyroid hormone profile Tests the level of T3, T4 and rT3 which play
a critical role in growth, differentiation and
metabolism. This will determine if you have an
over or under active thyroid.
Thyroid antibodies Tests for the presence of thyroglobulin antibodies
to help diagnose autoimmune disorders such
as Hashimoto's thyroiditis or Graves' disease.
To book in for any of these tests - Book an appointment online